Power Bread
Power Bread, made with whole grain emmer, sunflower seeds, dried blueberries; utilizes a soaker and biga to provide extra flavor and texture.
Recipe type: Whole Grain Power Bread
Cuisine: Bread
Serves: 1 Loaf
  • 71 g (6.5 Tbsp.) dried blueberries
  • 14 g (1.5 Tbsp.) flaxseeds
  • 170 g (3/4 cup) water
  • All of pre-soaker
  • 170 g (1⅓ cups) white whole wheat flour
  • 14 g (2 Tbsp.) oat bran
  • 4 g (1/2 tsp) salt
  • 170 g (1⅓ cups) whole grain emmer flour
  • 1 g (1/4 tsp) instant yeast
  • 142 g (1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp.) buttermilk
Final dough
  • All of soaker (at room temp)
  • All of biga (at room temp)
  • 56.5 g (6 Tbsp.) sunflower seeds, ground into a flour
  • 56.5 g (7 Tbsp.) whole grain emmer flour
  • 28.5 g (3 Tbsp.) sesame seeds, whole
  • 4 g (1/2 tsp) salt
  • 7 g (2.25 tsp) instant yeast
  • 21 g (1.5 Tbsp.) honey
  1. Mix all pre-soaker ingredients together in a small bowl, cover, and let sit at room temp for 8-24 hours.
  1. Puree the pre-soaker in a blender, and mix with the remaining soaker ingredients in a medium bowl. Stir for about a minute, until everything is thoroughly combined and it forms a ball. Cover the bowl and leave at room temp for 12-24 hours (or, refrigerate it for up to 3 days, but let sit at room temp for 2 hours before mixing the final dough). Go ahead and make the biga now.
  1. Mix all of the biga ingredients together in a large bowl. Wet your hands, and knead for 2 min. Then let it rest for 5 min and knead again for 1 min. Transfer the dough to a clean bowl, cover, and refrigerate for 8 hours to 3 days. Two hours before you're ready to mix the final dough, let the biga sit at room temp for 2 hours.
Final Dough:
  1. Cut the soaker and the biga into 12 pieces each. Grind the sunflower seeds into flour in a blender, food processor, or spice grinder (gently pulse or it will turn into sunflower seed butter, not flour). Mix ground seeds with remaining ingredients, including the soaker and biga pieces. Knead the mixture with wet hands for 2 min, or until everything is thoroughly mixed. Dough should be slightly sticky; if it's very tacky, add more flour; if it's very dry and not sticky, add more water.
  2. Dust your counter (or whatever you're using) with flour, and roll the dough around in it. Knead it for 3-4 min. Let the dough rest for 5 min, and then knead for another minute. (Since I was using emmer, I didn't knead it for the full amount of time and I didn't do the windowpane test like the original formula suggests). Then form your dough into a ball, place it into a lightly oiled bowl, roll it around in the oil, and let it sit covered at room temp for 45-60 min (until it's about 1.5 times its original size). .
  3. Lightly flour your counter again, and form your dough into either a loaf shape or rolls. Put the loaf-shaped dough into a lightly oiled 9" x 5" loaf pan, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and let it sit at room temp for 45-60 min (until it's 1.5 times its original size).
  4. Preheat the oven and a steam pan (an empty metal pan on the bottom oven rack) to 425. Put bread in the oven, pour 1 cup hot water into steam pan, and reduce oven temp to 350. Bake for 20 min. Then remove steam pan, rotate bread 180 degrees, and bake for another 20-30 min, or until loaf or rolls are brown, have an internal temp of at least 195, and have a hollow sound when thumped on the bottom.
  5. Remove the bread from the pan and let cool completely (at least 1 hour) before serving.
Recipe by Bread Experience at https://www.breadexperience.com/power-bread/