Light Wheat Olive Oil Rosemary Loaves with Biga
These light wheat olive oil loaves are infused with a hint of rosemary and utilize an overnight biga to preferment and enhance the dough.
Recipe type: Olive Oil Herb Bread
Serves: 2 medium loaves or 1 large loaf
Biga (makes enough for 2 batches)
  • 125 grams (3/4 cup plus 2½ Tbsp.) all-purpose flour
  • ⅛ tsp. instant yeast
  • 83 grams (1/4 cup plus 1½ Tbsp.) water
Final Dough
  • 100 grams biga (1/2 of above)
  • 285– 310 grams water (or more, depending on coarseness of whole grain used)
  • 30 grams extra virgin olive oil
  • ¾ tsp instant yeast (use 1 tsp. if shorter proof is desired)
  • 400 grams all-purpose flour
  • 100 grams whole grain flour (white winter wheat, KAMUT, spelt, etc.)
  • 14 grams fine sea salt + 10-25 grams water
  • 1-2 Tbsp. (more if desired) finely chopped fresh rosemary, optional
  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour and yeast. Pour in the water and mix with a dough whisk or wooden spoon just until the biga ingredients are combined. The dough will be sticky.
  2. Shape into a ball, cover, and let rest for 6-8 hours in warm room temperature. If the ambient temperature in your kitchen is cooler, you may need to let it rest longer, 10-16 hours.
Final Dough:
  1. Pour 250 grams of water and the olive oil in the bowl with the biga. Let rest while you are prepping the other ingredients. Mix to dissolve biga.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flours, yeast, and rosemary, if using. Add the water/biga mixture to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Let rest 20-30 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle the salt over the dough and dissolve with 10-25 grams of water. If the dough begins to tear, add more water as needed while incorporating the salt into the dough.
  4. Cover and let rest in a warm place for 1-2 hours, until very puffy, more than doubled. Stretch and fold the dough after 30 minutes and again after 1 hour for a total of 2 stretch and folds. Let rest for remaining 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  5. Turn the dough back out onto a floured work surface and deflate the dough. Divide into 2 equal pieces for medium loaves. Total weight of dough should be between 960-1000 grams, depending on flour used and how much water you incorporate.
  6. Gather up the edges and preshape the dough into a ball. Flip the ball and place it seam side down on the work surface. Push the dough against the work surface in a circular motion to tighten the top. Pull the dough toward you to elongate the dough into an oval (batard shape). Place in rice flour-dusted and lined oval banneton baskets. Let proof for 30-45 minutes while the oven is preheating.
  7. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. with a baking stone on the middle rack and a steam pan on the lowest shelf. I use a small cast iron skillet as my steam pan.
  8. Gently flip the proofed loaves onto parchment paper. Brush off the excess rice flour, if desired, and dust with all-purpose flour to achieve a nice contrast when baked. Score the loaves, then slide the parchment with the loaves onto the preheated baking stone. Immediately add a cup of ice cubes to the preheated steam pan and shut the oven door.
  9. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Check after 15-20 minutes and rotate the loaves for even baking. Then continue baking until nicely browned. The loaves should sound hollow when thumped on the bottom.
  10. Transfer loaves to a cooling rack and cool before serving.
This recipe makes enough biga for two batches. Leftover biga can be refrigerated for up to 3 days to make more loaves.

I made these loaves during the summer in my hot kitchen. If your kitchen is cooler, you can increase the proof time and/or increase the amount of instant yeast used, up to ½ tsp, in the biga and 1 tsp. in the final dough.
Recipe by Bread Experience at